Sunday, November 16, 2014

Film Diary: Day 12

Finally got my second draft of my script done! Wooo hooo! Some deep thoughts and stuff from days 2 through 11:

     One of the fun things about making a film just for class is that I can totally use songs that everyone knows. Right? No one has told me otherwise, so Black Sabbath it is!(No copyright infringement intended and blah blah blah). I had a very specific vision for the opening/title sequence and listening to Led Zeppelin songs really helped in crafting that particular scene. Sounds cheesy, because ~classic rock~, but it worked for me. I'm not sure how I would have done this if I didn't have musical cues to work off of. It made everything so much easier, as far as visualizing and pacing goes. 

     The second draft was the hardest part of this whole process so far. After going to my professor with my original idea and getting it analyzed from another perspective, I had to go back and re-evaluate the whole angle I was going for with the story. It was hard to admit at first that my idea was not perfect. Initially, I felt the need to defend my story to the death. That was ego talking. I had to let that go and really look at the story as a viewer walking into a theater might. Easier said than done. I spent the last 9 days looking at my initial script and fighting the urge to throw my laptop across the room. Finally, I sat down and listened to the "soundtrack" I had put together for the film and barreled through each scene, eventually landing on the current incarnation of the script. 

     Panic. WHAT DO I DO NOW? CAST ACTORS? GET PROPS? PROBABLY SECURE A CAMERA FOR SHOOTING, RIGHT? This next phase is so scary. This is where the actual co-ordination and work comes in, which means relying on other people. Which means trusting people to show up on time and bring stuff and not flake out. Terrifying! Can't wait to actually film, though. Then I can start freaking out about editing. 

Until next time, 


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