Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Film Diary: Day 1

     Been struggling for weeks writing what I believed to be the story for my first film. It's a daunting psychological thriller that I'm very excited about. However, I realized today that trying to write and direct a full-length feature with zero filmmaking experience (and zero budget) is like going from crawling to doing backflips. I decided to shelf it and work on something on a smaller scale. It's tough admitting that you aren't up for a project, especially when you're so passionate about it. 

     When I was sitting in Film class today and an idea grabbed hold of me. Hard. There really isn't some magical recipe for writing inspiration that I can share with you, unfortunately. It happens for everyone differently. For me, it's when certain films, music, and art that have been coagulating in my subconscious manifest itself in the skeleton of a story. It's very rare that I'm able to sit down and build on a story so quickly and thoroughly, but today was one of those days.

     I spent the last two and a half hours pumping out the script for a 7-minute dark comedy. It's a little silly and a lot stylized, but I'm proud of it. This feels like the beginning of something really special. I thought I would start chronicling it so I can have something to remember the experience by. 

Can't wait to share this little film with the world!

- Rara

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